
Chuck Jaffe on the NAVigator Podcast

Chuck Jaffe joined Jane King in New York City to discuss the fifth anniversary of the weekly NAVigator Podcast, the podcast he hosts for the Active Investment Company Alliance (AICA). Jaffe talks about how the podcast has grown in popularity and helped to raise the profile of the closed-end fund industry. He says investors who listen to the podcast eventually become comfortable with closed-end funds and end up engaging with them — and when they work — stick with them. Noting he’s a journalist and “not a Wall Street guy,” Jaffe says he tries to explain closed-end funds in ways that the average person can understand.

Total of Podcasts: 294
3Jun, 2022

Five ‘plain vanilla’ closed-end funds for these markets

With the volatility and downward pressure in the market pushing many investors to specialty funds, sector offerings and alternatives, John Cole Scott, chief investment officer at Closed-End Fund Advisors and chairman of the Active Investment Company Alliance returns to the NAVigator this week to talk about...

13May, 2022

Is liquidity ‘a feature or a benefit’ of closed-end funds?

Bill Kelly, president of the CAIA Association, discusses the importance -- which he believes is mostly misplaced -- that many investors place on having daily liquidity in their investments, even though they have no intention of touching the money in the short term...

22Apr, 2022

Taggart: Closed-end funds struggled and discounts widened during 1Q

Mike Taggart of Taggart Fund Intelligence -- executive director of the Active Investment Company Alliance -- reviews the first-quarter results for closed-end funds, noting that discounts widened out during a rough period for the market, reaching a crossroads where investors are trying to decide now if...

15Apr, 2022

For private-equity success, commit to riding ‘the J-curve’

Bob Long, chief executive officer at Conversus -- which manages the Conversus StepStone Private Markets Fund -- returns to the NAVigator to discuss private equity and how investors looking for success must commit to overcoming the J-curve, the start-up period when private-equity investments tend to...