

Meet Chuck Jaffe, Host of the NAVigator Podcast

Chuck Jaffe, host of Money Life, is a veteran financial journalist and formerly nationally syndicated financial columnist whose work appeared in newspapers from coast to coast.
Chuck started Money Life in 2012, the nation’s most-authoritative business and financial radio show/podcast, talking with top experts every day to cut through the financial clutter and bring you information that will increase your confidence and put you in better control of both your money and your life.
Total of Podcasts: 269
12Oct, 2021

Closed-end funds aren’t just for retirees any more

In this bonus edition of The NAVigator, John Cole Scott, chief investment officer at Closed-End Fund Advisors and executive chairman of the Active Investment Company Alliance dispels the notion that closed-end funds are only suited for individuals in or near retirement age...

1Oct, 2021

A bond-fund mix can safely stretch for yield

Bryce Doty, senior portfolio manager at Sit Investment Associates, says that yield-hungry investors can pursue better payouts through closed-end funds without stretching dangerously for yield, though he notes they will want to diversify -- and offers a number of promising funds to...

24Sep, 2021

Closed-end funds provide a better balance between liquidity and returns

Erik Herzfeld, president of Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors, says that investors are sacrificing returns for liquidity when they choose traditional mutual funds and ETFs instead of closed-end funds. The issue -- which arises due to the structures of the different fund types -- is a problem because...

17Sep, 2021

Recovering at a different pace, India is a unique opportunity

James Thom, senior investment manager in Aberdeen’s Asian equities team based in Singapore and portfolio manager for The India Fund, says that the country's economic recovery from Covid-19 has resulted in astronomical growth levels -- significantly higher than in the United States -- that have the potential to continue longer...

10Sep, 2021

Less opportunities to generate income requires creative solutions

Michael Ordonez, director of client portfolio management at Thornburg Investment Management, says that the biggest issue income investors face today is economic dynamics that are leading to a 'very difficult sustained income demand landscape, with less and less opportunities to generate that income.'...

3Sep, 2021

Private equity adds spice, return potential and diverse returns

Daniel Wildermuth, chief investment officer for the Wildermuth Endowment Fund -- an interval fund that uses an endowment-like investment strategy built around alternative investments -- discusses how private equity investments have not only weathered the storm of the pandemic...