AICA is conducting a financial advisor survey on Business Development Companies (BDCs), both listed (public) and non-listed (private or non-traded). Please answer these survey questions to help us improve your experience in using these funds.
    Please answer these survey questions to help us improve your experience in using these funds

    Classification (if more than one applies, please pick the most accurate):

    Firm / Client Assets


    Q1. Do you use BDCs currently for client portfolios?



    Q2. Investment Allocation & Exposure

    What percentage of your clients’ portfolios do you allocate to BDCs? %

    How does this compare between listed % and non-listed or private BDCs %?


    Q3. Key Considerations for Selection

    What are the primary factors you consider when recommending a BDC investment? Rate the items from 1 to 6, with 1 being the most important, ensuring no repetition.









    Q4. Risk Perception & Client Suitability

    How do you assess the risk profile of various listed vs. non-listed BDCs for your clients? What types of investors do you believe are best suited for each?

    Short open-ended text answer 250 characters max


    Q5. Liquidity Preferences

    How important is liquidity to your clients when considering BDC investments, and how does that impact your preference for listed versus private BDCs?

    Short open-ended text answer 250 characters max


    Q6. Due Diligence & Research

    What sources of research and due diligence do you rely on when evaluating BDCs?

    Short open-ended text answer 250 words max

    Do you find transparency levels in private BDCs sufficient compared to public ones?


    Short open-ended text answer 250 characters max


    Q7. Fee Structure & Performance Expectations

    How do you compare the fee structures of listed vs. non-listed BDCs, and do you believe the performance justifies the costs?

    Short open-ended text answer 250 characters max


    Q8. Regulatory & Market Concerns

    What regulatory or market challenges do you foresee impacting BDCs in the near future, and how do these concerns influence your investment recommendations?

    Short open-ended text answer 250 characters max


    Q9. What could be done to make you more comfortable or successful as a BDC investor?

    Short open-ended text answer 250 characters max

    Please complete this sections to receive:

    1. A Summary of the Completed Survey

    2. 3 months free CEFdata Daily Alerts Email Service

    First Name

    Last Name


    Firm Name

    US Zip Code or Location outside the US