
Chuck Jaffe on the NAVigator Podcast

Chuck Jaffe joined Jane King in New York City to discuss the fifth anniversary of the weekly NAVigator Podcast, the podcast he hosts for the Active Investment Company Alliance (AICA). Jaffe talks about how the podcast has grown in popularity and helped to raise the profile of the closed-end fund industry. He says investors who listen to the podcast eventually become comfortable with closed-end funds and end up engaging with them — and when they work — stick with them. Noting he’s a journalist and “not a Wall Street guy,” Jaffe says he tries to explain closed-end funds in ways that the average person can understand.

Total of Podcasts: 302
17Sep, 2021

Recovering at a different pace, India is a unique opportunity

James Thom, senior investment manager in Aberdeen’s Asian equities team based in Singapore and portfolio manager for The India Fund, says that the country's economic recovery from Covid-19 has resulted in astronomical growth levels -- significantly higher than in the United States -- that have the potential to continue longer...

10Sep, 2021

Less opportunities to generate income requires creative solutions

Michael Ordonez, director of client portfolio management at Thornburg Investment Management, says that the biggest issue income investors face today is economic dynamics that are leading to a 'very difficult sustained income demand landscape, with less and less opportunities to generate that income.'...

3Sep, 2021

Private equity adds spice, return potential and diverse returns

Daniel Wildermuth, chief investment officer for the Wildermuth Endowment Fund -- an interval fund that uses an endowment-like investment strategy built around alternative investments -- discusses how private equity investments have not only weathered the storm of the pandemic...

13Aug, 2021

Taggart says investors can find the devil is in merger details

Mike Taggart, founder of Taggart Fund Intelligence, joins the NAVigator to discuss current trends in closed-end fund mergers, and while he says that most deals benefit shareholders and management alike, he raises concerns about those times...

6Aug, 2021

TortoiseEcofin’s Kessens: Expect double-digit returns from energy

Portfolio manager Brian Kessens of Tortoise Ecofin, who oversees the closed-end Tortoise Pipeline and Energy, and the Tortoise Power and Energy Infrastructure Fund, says he expects double-digit total returns from midstream and other energy companies based on current high yields...

30Jul, 2021

BDC Reporter’s Marshi sees a ‘golden age’ ahead

Nicholas Marshi, editor of the BDC Reporter says that business development companies are heading into 'a bit of a golden age' over the few years as a result of low interest rates continuing to help with the cost of capital, improved credit conditions generally...

23Jul, 2021

Tax edge makes munis attractive even as discounts shrink

Patrick Galley, chief investment officer at RiverNorth Capital Management -- which runs four municipal bond closed-end funds that invest in both individual bonds and in other muni closed-end funds -- says that as tax-equivalent yields in the muni space have become relatively attractive...